The International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN) is the gold standard for corporate governance. Its Global Stewardship Principles guide investors in fulfilling fiduciary duties through active ownership. These principles were updated in 2020 to enhance clarity and impact.
- The ICGN is perceived as the gold standard for corporate governance, promoting and driving good governance and investor stewardship practices globally.
- The Global Stewardship Principles, integral to the ICGN, provide an ambitious and robust framework for investors or service providers supporting investors, to utilise in their approach to exercising fiduciary duties on behalf of beneficiaries.
- Stewardship refers to active ownership whereby shareholders use their rights and influence as shareholders to vote proxies or engage with company management to preserve and create value over the long term.
- The principles are under review by the ICGN Secretariat and were last updated in 2020.
- The framework has been condensed from 7 to 5 principles, with the intention of them being more concise and stronger in narrative. Alongside these revisions, some significant additions have been made to the principles.
ICGN Stewardship Principles

Revisions include (August 2024)

About the ICGN
- The International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN) is a globally recognised, investor-led organisation, representing assets under management of approximately USD77 trillion.
- The Global Stewardship Principles are reviewed around every 3 years to ensure relevance and practicality. This is the 4th edition.
ICGN members were invited to comment on the revised principles until 31 May 2024. - The revised principles will be published in August 2024.
International Corporate Governance Network: ICGN Global Stewardship Principles
Principles for responsible investments: Stewardship
Proposed Revisions to the ICGN Global Stewardship Principles
Responsible Investor: ICGN to propose key changes to global stewardship principles in consultation
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